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Loyalty, Integrity, Bearing, Respect, Ambition.
Libra demonstrates these traits in game and in life.
Libra is a community of passionate gamers who enjoy bringing people together in a growing environment. Since 2010, Libra’s reach has spread throughout multiple games, platforms, and countries.
Across every game we touch, we provide a place where players from casual to hardcore can game in peace.
It doesn't matter what you play, only that you play.
World of Warcraft Mythic Raid guild - Clash of Clans CWL - Freestyle Overwatch 2 - Diablo 3 - Diablo 4 - Clash Royale - League of Legends - Teamfight Tactics - Valheim - VALORANT - Gaming Clan - Esports
Libra Gaming Blog
<Libra> Rank 3 World - Blog Post
by Xyanyde
Our first raid week in the new Undermined patch has been incredible! In an attempt to attract more talent from the Atlantic coast, I experimented with starting raid night an hour earlier than previous tiers. Our initial raid turnout was strong and the team was ready for action. In the hectic moments leading up to the first pull, I remember being so proud to see the team. We charged headlong into battle and were promptly destroyed. With multiple full wipes within 20 seconds, I maintained my composure in Discord while frantically searching my guides for what I was missing. These were some seriously catastrophic wipes, our best attempt got the boss down to 97.8%! Keek was the first to notice, he exclaimed "Oh, it seems to be on Mythic difficulty... that explains a lot!" The group had a laugh as we reset the raid to Normal and proceeded to cleave down 6 bosses in our first night!

My accidental Mythic boss pulls earned <Libra> rank 3 in the Race to World First, even if only momentarily! Our monumental achievement earned us coverage on Warcraft Logs, even enduring and keeping us in the top 10 for a full day! As silly as it was, it was great to step into mythic again.
I can't wait to see what this tier holds in store for us! If this level of polish is any indication of the care they are putting into the Worldsoul Saga and Player Housing then everything will be just fine.